We are looking forward to another school year beginning in August. As a reminder our virtual meetings will be the first Wednesday of the month @ 7 p.m. beginning in September with no meeting in December or January - folks are just too busy then!
Our in-person meeting will again take place at FETC in January. Please note that this year's FETC is happening in Miami. And while we are on the subject of Miami, congratulations to them for getting a local chapter of CSTA going. We are looking forward to partnering as much as we can!
The agenda for this year will be similar to last. The first meeting will be an opportunity to let us know what sort of PD you are looking for and what you would like for our chapter to do to help us with goal setting.
If you are interested in assisting with our chapter please let us know! We are looking for help with meeting minutes, this new website, and meeting planning!